Modernize your trading desk

Scalable, extensible, and reliable infrastructure for any Foreign Exchange trading business.

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Image showing the ability to request live pricing on Kooltra and executing live FX trades.
Icon reflecting Kooltra's global liquidity capabilities.

Global liquidity

Connect to global liquidity providers via FIX/API to execute trades and orders with ease

Icon reflecting Kooltra's real-time observability capabilities.

Real-time trade observability

Know your positions, maturities, and trade details, all in one beautiful user experience

Icon reflecting Kooltra's reliable data platform capability.

Reliable data platform

Scalable and extensible platform reduces errors and is updated in real-time

Drive revenue with the most versatile FX trading platform

Request pricing and execute trades with global liquidity providers

Connect to third-party liquidity providers via straight-through-processing to execute Spot & Forward trades and/or Limit & Stop orders.

A diagram showing how Kooltra can connect to multiple liquidity providers and then stream prices to you for execution.
A diagram showing how you can set-up spread rules that help you optimize your trading profitability.

Distribute pricing to voice dealers and clients

Set up tiered pricing to optimize P&L and capture sales and treasury markups. Empower your users to trade with you anytime, anywhere.

Understand and manage your trade desk

In real-time, monitor your trades, orders, and upcoming maturities. Get a full history of your trading activity and generate custom reports to get greater insights into your unique business.

A diagram showing the Daily Balances a trading desk would need to cover in each currency.
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How Kooltra’s infrastructure platform supercharges trading desks

Icon representing Kooltra's Financial App Cloud capabilities.

Financial App Cloud

Our modern FIX implementation allows you to connect with your liquidity providers while achieving high availability and low latency - all at the right price


  • Maximize STP by connecting more LPs and route your trades correctly to maximize P&L
Icon that represents the Salesforce reporting functionality in Kooltra.

Salesforce Reporting

Build custom reports and create insightful dashboards that drive decisions


  • Break down volumes and P&L by LP, pairs, spread groups, regions, platform venue, etc
  • Analyze requests and executions to identify pricing optimizations
Icon representing Kooltra's Integrated Risk capabilities.

Integrated Risk

Leverage risk and compliance data to enforce controls at the moment of the trade


  • Perform a pre-trade risk calculation to ensure adequate margin and limit availability
  • Ensure there is a valid LEI on file before executing a forward

Our Dealing Capabilities:

An icon representing Kooltra's STP Trading functionality.

STP Trading

An icon representing Kooltra's STP Orders functionality.

STP Orders

An icon representing Kooltra's Spread Management functionality.

Spread Management

An icon representing Kooltra's Dealer Intervention functionality.

Dealer Intervention

Icon that represents the FX Trades that are supported in Kooltra.

FX Spot/ Forward/ Swap

An icon representing Kooltra's ability to trade Vanilla and Exotic FX Options.

Vanilla & Exotic FX Options

An icon representing Kooltra's FX Window Forward trading functionality.

FX Window Forward

An icon representing Kooltra's FX NDF/NDS trading functionality.


An icon representing Kooltra's trade blotters and trade observability capabilities.

Trade Blotters

An icon representing Kooltra's Maturity Blotter feature.

Maturity Blotter

An icon representing Kooltra's Net Position Blotter feature.

Net Position Blotter

An icon representing Kooltra's Order Monitor feature.

Order Monitor

An icon representing Kooltra's Options Monitor feature.

Options Monitor

An icon representing Kooltra's Drawdown/Rollover feature.

Drawdowns & Rollovers

An icon representing Kooltra's Fee Group Management feature.

Fee Group Management

An icon representing Kooltra's Market Data Connectivity icon.

Market Data Connectivity

An icon representing Kooltra's ability to generate custom reports on your data.

Custom Reporting

An icon representing Kooltra's API Platform functionality.

API Platform