Optimize your back, middle, and front office

Reduce your operating costs, ready your business for scale, and unify your team with end-to-end Foreign Exchange operations.

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Comprehensive solution icon

Comprehensive solution

The industry’s best end-to-end solution. Centralize your data and your users on a single platform.

Real-time business insights icon

Real-time business insights

Get a complete view into your trading, payments, cash, P&L, client balances, and credit risk.

Workflow automation icon

Workflow automation

Automate and customize workflows using the most trusted workflow building automation capabilities.

Simplify & automate your complex operations

Capture the entire transaction lifecycle

Effortlessly capture trades and payments with your customers and your providers. With your data centralized, seamlessly send trades and payments to third-party banks, prime brokers, regulators, and matching services.

Diagram that shows trades and payments being sent to trade matching services.
Diagram of net positions by currency pair and value date as well as a notification to investigate a margin deficit.

Monitor positions and risk

Know your position at any time, with any counterparty. Identify unwanted risk in real-time. Leverage robust credit & margining engines to manage collateral. Define alerts and workflows for breaches and exceptions.

Know your numbers

Track and reconcile your P&L and balances down to the cent. Understand your business without relying on extensive spreadsheets and tenured team members.

Diagram of the daily bank reconciliation process that matches account balances with bank balances.
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How Kooltra’s infrastructure platform supercharges operations teams

Icon that represents Kooltra's workflow automation platform functionality.

Workflow Automation

Create custom workflows that align with your unique business needs


  • Receive email alerts for accounts with status updates (i.e., Active, Inactive, Suspended)
  • Auto-approve first party beneficiaries to make payments
Icon that represents the Salesforce reporting functionality in Kooltra.

Salesforce Reporting

Define custom reports that drive business insights


  • Create management P&L reports for full visibility across multiple business units
  • Set-up trading reports to monitor top accounts and general client activity
Icon that is used to represent Kooltra's API platform.

API Platform

Easily send and retrieve your account and trading data


  • Send trades and payments to use Kooltra’s trading blotters and settlements workflows
  • Retrieve beneficiary data to perform compliance reviews

Our Operations Core Capabilities:

Icon that represents the Counterparty Management feature set in Kooltra.

Counterparty Management

Icon that represents the Beneficiary Management feature set in Kooltra.

Beneficiary Management

Icon that represents the FX Trades that are supported in Kooltra.

Spot/ Forward/ Swap Trades

Icon that represents the FX Options trade type that is supported in Kooltra.

FX Options

Icon that represents the FX NDF trade type that is supported in Kooltra.

Non-deliverable Forwards

Icon that represents the pricing models and centralized documentation functionality supported in Kooltra

Pricing Models

Icon that represents the Trade Messaging functionality that is supported in Kooltra.

Trade Messaging

Icon that represents the Trade Matching functionality in Kooltra.

Trade Matching

Icon that represents Kooltra's ability to connect with third-party applications for post-trading workflows.

Post-Trade Integrations

Icon that represents Kooltra's ability to let you send and receive payments.


ISO 20022 Payment Files

Banking/ISO 20022 Payments Files

An icon showcasing Kooltra's ability to connect directly into third-party banks for bank reconciliation.

Banking Integration

An Icon representing the risk limits and margining tools available in Kooltra.

Risk Limits and Margining

An icon that represents the credit engine in Kooltra. This credit engine limits the amount of funds that can be sent/received by counterparties.

Credit Engine

An icon that represents Kooltra's functionality that allows you to perform financial reconciliation with banks.

Financial Reconciliation

An icon representing Kooltra's ability to build workflows that allow you to simplify your operations.

Workflow Automation

An icon representing Kooltra's ability to generate custom reports on your data.

Custom Reporting

An icon representing Kooltra's API Platform functionality.

API Platform